Saturday 29 May 2010

Day 1

Had a great send-off this morning at 8am. Many photos were taken, which will no doubt appear here eventually. Sam et famille intercepted me close to Saffron Walden and Sophie brought coffee and pain au chocolat, which was wonderful. No rain to begin with though skies were very overcast. The light rain started at about 11.30, making me damp. I stopped for a pint in Much Hadham, and came out believing the rain to have stopped. This was a mistake. Around Stansted Abbots it began in earnest, and since the roads were narrow and incredibly busy, I couldn't easily stop. I eventually reached the Marriott at Waltham Abbey (after a few navigational errors) about 3pm, thoroughly wet and cold and not a little dejected. Tried drying my jeans with the hotel iron, but that seems unlikely to work, so that task must await better weather. Went out to refuel, and met a French family at the gas station. They knew Cahors well , and were slightly surprised, but not discouraging, to hear I plan to drive there.

Tomorrow it should be London Bridge and then south, We'll see.


  1. The French family may have been restrained when you met, but I bet you a quid they;ll be sitting at supper tonight saying, a la Tintin - "Qu'ils sont fous ces anglais!"
    Glad day one went well if damply.

  2. Telephone has been red hot! Everyone so excited and a little envious?But not of the rain! Me just worried about pnuemonia. Thought you might be outdone by the balloonist but hay-ho, c'est la vie! As the balloonist said its not really about driving tractors, its about dreams, aspirations, challenges and accomplishing what we set out to do.
    Spotted and filmed on London Bridge early this morning.

  3. DO NOT GET COLD AND WET, or we will have to find a body double to complete. Much love
