First some background to the vehicle itself: Having in the past returned from forays to the pub with a couple of sheep, some twelve years ago (1998) he was found returning with a very decrepit tractor, for which he had bartered; the cost of a years electricity securing him the Ferguson tractor ( from some unsuspecting local. This has sat gathering rust outside for nearly ten years, until his middle youth vanishing and retirement upon him, he has found it necessary to fill his life with things other than his devoted woman, loving (but fiscally demanding) children and his delightful, but noisy grandkids. Having built an electronics workshop, raised a wood, donated many power tools to needy offspring, it was time to deal with the bulk of the tractor. This was no superficial primping of the externals but a thorough strip down and an ability I am sorely lacking.
So far he has (and I am so grateful to my Uncle for furnishing me with some of the more esoteric terms and details):Crankshaft reground and fitted with new main journal and con-rod bearings ( in converting linear motion into rotational-don't you know?), cylinder block re-bored and oversizes pistons fitted, cylinder head cracks stitch welded and new valve guides and valves installed, replacement rocker shaft and rockers/followers, new clutch and pressure plate, new carburettor, new wiring harness made up, refurbished dynamo and control box cut-out, new exhaust system and silencer (it has a silencer?), steering gear, king pins and ball joints overhauled, road wheels sand blasted and powder coated, new tyres fitted, many body panels repaired or replaced and repainted, new drivers seat, brakes checked for wear and adjusted, transmission and final drive units checked and found to be perfectly serviceable. Phew... There are a few pieces of bodywork to be repaired, but an initial run of 5 miles was successful. Wicked.
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